How do you test a website for http2 protocol?

There are several ways to test a website for HTTP/2 protocol support:

Using Browser Developer Tools:

  • Chrome:
    1. Open the website in Chrome.
    2. Press F12 to open the Developer Tools.
    3. Go to the “Network” tab.
    4. Enable the “Protocol” column by right-clicking anywhere on the table header and selecting “Show columns” -> “Protocol”.
    5. Reload the page. You will see which resources are using HTTP/2 in the “Protocol” column.
    6. Additionally, a blue lightning bolt icon appears near the search bar if the entire page is loaded over HTTP/2.
  • Firefox:
    1. Open the website in Firefox.
    2. Press F12 to open the Developer Tools.
    3. Go to the “Network” tab.
    4. Right-click anywhere on the table header and select “Add column” -> “Protocol”.
    5. Reload the page. You will see which resources are using HTTP/2 in the “Protocol” column.

Using Online Tools:

Using Command Line Tools:

  • cURL: Download the latest version of cURL and run the following command: curl --http2 <website_url>
  • OpenSSL: Make sure OpenSSL is built with ALPN support and run: openssl s_client -alpn h2 -connect <website_url>:<port> -status

Using Browser Extensions:

Remember, HTTP/2 requires HTTPS encryption, so make sure the website uses HTTPS before testing.

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