Moving your SSL Certificate to a new host in WHM

Dedicated IP Transfer

If you select Dedicated IP for the account while transferring it, it should transfer with a working SSL certificate from cPanel to cPanel transfers. If you do not select Dedicated IP during the account transfer, it will transfer the certificate, but it will not install the SSL due to the dedicated IP missing.

If Transfered with a Shared IP

You should be able to re install the SSL using WHM > SSL/TLS > Install a SSL Certificate and Setup the Domain area by clicking the “Browse” button to find the domain.

If the domain isn’t listed, then that would mean the certificate didn’t get transferred. At that point, then you’d simply have to check /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf on the old machine for the domain’s VirtualHost entry to find the path to the certificate, RSA key and cabundle files (normally, those are in /etc/ssl/certs and /etc/ssl/private locations).

Moving your SSL Certificate to a new host in WHM

Retrieve Data from WHMFind the SSL/TLS section in WHM

  • Click “ssl manager” in WHM
  • Click the disk icon for (where is the domain you want to copy)
  • Copy that cert to notepad and save the file (this is the .crt information)
  • Click the disk icon for (where is the domain you want to copy)
  • Copy that information to notepad and save the file (this is the .key information)

WHM (Web Hosting Manager)

WebHost Manager is the control center of the CPanel / WebHost Manager package. It is used to set up and manage accounts. Use WHM to install your issued certificate.

You need both the certificate and key files to install the certificate.

To install an SSL certificate:

Click on the “Install an SSL Certificate and Setup the Domain link” in the SSL/TLS menu.
Paste the information from the .crt file in the top box (The .crt file starts with
Enter the domain that the certificate is issued for, the user name for the users account, and Dedicated IP address assigned for the certificate in the Domain, User, and IP Address fields.
Paste the information from the .key file in the second box (The .key file starts with
Check to make sure that the IP address and domain name and username is all correct then
Click on the button to install the certificate.
The last section for the “ca bundle” is not required as this is a single certificate install.

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