RKHunter warnings improvement

APPLIES TO: Plesk 12.0 for Linux Plesk 11.0 for Linux Plesk 11.5 for Linux Symptoms I started a security check through Parallels Plesk Panel at Modules -> Watchdog -> Security -> Start. The process finished successfully, however, the following warning messages are reported in the Watchdog security check log (/var/log/rkhunter.log): Warning: The command ‘/usr/bin/GET’ has … Read more

Install rkhunter on CentOS 6.6

Rootkit Hunter (rkhunter) is a Unix-based tool that scans for rootkits, backdoors and possible local exploits. Rootkits are self-hiding toolkits secretly installed by a malicious intruder to allow that user to gain access to the server. Rootkit Hunter offers protection by comparing SHA-1 hashes of important files with known good ones in a online database … Read more

Rkhunter Emails

Getting rkhunter failed emails in your email? Here is how to configure the email to send to a correct address. Edit /etc/sysconfig/rkhunter: nano /etc/sysconfig/rkhunter # System configuration file for Rootkit Hunter which # stores RPM system specifics for cron run, etc. # # MAILTO= <email address to send scan report> # DIAG_SCAN= no – perform … Read more