R1Soft error Failed to backup LVM/MD Configuration

R1Soft error will resemble something like – “Failed to backup LVM/MD Configuration” with running LVM based commands from R1Soft. Usually due to an upstream vendor or repo update of the LVM binary that conflicts with the R1soft native configuration “lvm.static” command. Error: Failed backup of LVM configuration Failed to execute command ‘lvm.static pvs -o pv_fmt,pv_uuid,dev_size,pv_name,pv_mda_free,pv_mda_size,pv_all,seg_all,pvseg_all,vg_all,lv_all … Read more

Installing R1Soft Linux Manager Server on CentOS

The first step to install the Server Backup Manager is to create a new YUM .repo file with the R1Soft repository information.  Save the file in the yum.repos.d directory (typically located in /etc/). Add the following: Verify what was written to the file by running ‘cat /etc/yum.repos.d/r1soft.repo’ Now that the repo is added, run ‘yum … Read more

Installing the R1Soft Linux Agent on CentOS

The first step required for installing the agent is to configure the YUM repository. Modify the repository as follows: Or… Add… Save the files and then run ‘yum install serverbackup-agent’: Next, restart the agent: Next, we need to get the Server Backup Manager Server key from the Manager server: NOTE: If the server manager is … Read more

R1soft-setup –get-key failed

When adding the key – Error message Note: When configuring the R1Soft Manager – http and https ports were set using the command: Thus, the following command should work when setting up the key on the agent server to the Manager server: You can manually configure the key by doing the below steps: 1) Login … Read more