How do I check a linux server that is overloaded?

There are several ways to check if a Linux server is overloaded. Here are some common methods: Check CPU usage: Use the ‘top’ or ‘htop’ command to check the CPU usage of the system. If the CPU usage is consistently high (above 80%), it could indicate an overloaded server. Check memory usage: Use the ‘free’ … Read more

Add Surf Shark VPN on Pop!_OS Useful Commands Start VPN Use this command to print all Surfshark commands in the terminal: Check your connectivity status: Disconnect from Surfshark VPN: Quick-connect to your Optimal location: To log out of the client: To connect to a MultiHop location: To uninstall Surfshark:

Zpool Resources

The zpool site Fixing some zpool errors “ZFS on Linux”: The ZFS modules are not loaded. Try running ‘/sbin/modprobe zfs’ as root to load them.

Show List Of Network Cards in Linux

How do I display a list of all network cards under Linux operating systems? You can use any one of the following command to list network cards installed under Linux operating systems. Please note that the ifconfig and ip commands will also display interfaces information about vpn, loopback, and other configured interfaces. lspci command : … Read more

Linux Cheat Sheet (C) William Hackmore, 2010 The contents of this file are released under the GNU General Public License. Feel free to reuse the contents of this work, as long as the resultant works give proper attribution and are made publicly available under the GNU General Public License. Last updated 8/14/2012 Best viewed in emacs org-mode. … Read more

File and Folder Permissions in Linux

In a typical UNIX/LINUX-style file listing, a file will be displayed in the following way: Output: The first character indicates the file type. It can be a regular file (-), directory (d), a symbolic link (l), or other special types of files. The following nine characters represent the file permissions, three triplets of three characters … Read more