Azure (Expand Disk)

How to expand a disk in Azure Windows Linux

How To: Fix kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) on Azure VM

When booting an Azure VM, this error: 304.863321] —[ end Kernel panic – not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) Solution: remove old linux kernels, your /boot drive is out of space. -boot to grub and click on “Advanced options” -Select a previous kernel (should boot fine) login and enter command See … Read more

Set Up RDNS in Azure for a public IP

When setting up an Azure VM that will have mail functions, you may need to set up a rDNS record. The Azure portal at this time does not have that capability but you can set this up in with the Azure CLI or PowerShell. Guide for creating Reverse DNS records:

Azure/AWS Mail blocked on Port 25

This issue revolves around Azure and AWS outbound SMTP from their virtual machines / EC2 instances. AZURE Azure: For Pay-As-You-Go or Microsoft Partner Network subscriptions created after November 15, 2017, there will be technical restrictions blocking e-mail sent directly from VMs in these subscriptions. Customers that need the ability to send e-mail from Azure … Read more

Azure PowerShell Script Sample – Create a Linux VM

This script creates an Azure Virtual Machine with an Ubuntu operating system. After running the script, you can access the virtual machine over SSH. If needed, install the Azure PowerShell module using the instructions found in the Azure PowerShell guide, and then run Login-AzureRmAccount to create a connection with Azure. Also, you need to have … Read more

Connect to Azure Database with Mysql with mysql command line

Azure Mysql database in encrypted by default. The mysql connection fails when trying to login: Azure Database for MySQL supports connecting your Azure Database for MySQL server to client applications using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Enforcing SSL connections between your database server and your client applications helps protect against “man in the middle” attacks by … Read more