Adding a Location to PHP’s Open_BaseDir Restriction (Plesk 11)

For reference, the web root of all websites on your server are in this format:


Now that we know the basics of where things are, we can make the changes.

Go into the PHP Settings page for the domain that needs access to the second domain ( in this case, use the guide at the top of this article if you’re not sure how to find this area in Plesk).

Then change the open_basedir option to Enter custom value and append your domain’s full path to the entries in the box. You should end up with something that looks like this :


What this means is that the domain you are currently modifying ( can now access its own files (webspaceroot), the server’s temp folder (tmp) and the other domain you have added (/var/www/vhosts/

You can add as many locations as you need, separated by colons. Once you’ve done that, you should get something that looks like this:

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