Install Plesk CentOS 7

The Plesk one-click installer is a script that downloads itself and determines the correct Plesk version for your OS. You won’t accidentally pick the wrong version for your distribution.

# wget -O - | sh

If you get an error message, wget may not be installed. Rectify this pitiful situation like this:

# yum install wget

Opening Ports for Plesk

On CentOS 6 and prior the firewall rules were set via iptables. This service is gone and has been replaced with firewalld in CentOS 7. We still need to open ports to speak to Plesk via a browser. The two important ones to open here are 8443 and 8447:

# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8443/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8447/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload

Add Atomic Repo Power (optional)

Now’s a good time to install the Atomic repos. These will give you access to many additional tools such as pre-compiled OSSEC HIDS and additional PHP versions:

# wget -q -O - | sh

Other Options

Obtain the installer script. Download the installer script:

# wget

Enable execution mode for the downloaded installer script:

# chmod +x ./plesk-installer

Make sure port 8447 is open
Port 8447 is used for accessing the installer GUI. Make sure, this port is open.

Launch the installer with GUI
Run the script with option –web-interface to launch the interactive installer with web interface for the latest stable Plesk version:

# ./plesk-installer --web-interface

From Plesk Trial Signup:
Welcome aboard!

Linux console command:

You also can download your Plesk license for Linux directly from your console interface by running the following command:

# sh <(curl [/bash] After install: Congratulations! The installation has been finished. Plesk is now running on your server. To complete the configuration process, browse either of URLs: * * Use the username 'admin' to log in. To log in as 'admin', use the 'plesk login' command. You can also log in as 'root' using your 'root' password. Use the 'plesk' command to manage the server. Run 'plesk help' for more info. Use the following commands to start and stop the Plesk web interface: 'service psa start' and 'service psa stop' respectively. If you would like to migrate your subscriptions from other hosting panel or older Plesk version to this server, please check out our assistance options:

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