Migrate MySQL Database on Windows Plesk Server

Migrating MySQL database from one Windows Plesk Server to other Windows Plesk Server

The only condition is that the database Engine should be an INNODB. Create the database , database user and password on the plesk server to which you want to migrate the database. Assume that the database name is demodb . Now login to the server from which you want to move the database . Go to the path of the backup E:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskDatabasesMySQLdata. Copy the folder “demodb” and paste it on the other server where you want to move at the path C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskDatabasesMySQLdata.

Login to plesk as admin, go to Database Servers, Local Mysql Server, click on the database name and delete the database user and recreate it .

The Path of MySQL Databases on windows plesk server is C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskDatabasesMySQLdata

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