Spam Check list

Check the mail queue in a plesk server:

# /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/mailqueuemng -s

mail queue is full of spam type messages like this:

Subject: Mr.: 14623c9d 65% off for you!
Sale Sale Sale!! Vigara – 0.54$, Cilias – 1.09$, Levtira – 1.15$.. and more more more… ”

Steps to take:

1. Check the mail queue for suspicious emails that are spam and remove them. Monitor the mail queue to see who is sending email and the content and locate the email account for spam delivery.

To remove all mail from the queue, enter:

# postsuper -d ALL

2. Check the passwords for the email accounts with this command logged in ssh as root:

# /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/mail_auth_view
Change all weak passwords to more secure passwords. (There are many simple email passwords).

3. Check any wordpress and joomla web sites for updates. Make sure all plugins and core software is up to date.

4. Check any forms on websites and ensure that they have captcha enabled so that they cannot be submitted automatically.

Here are some links to assist in installing an email wrapper to see if the sever is sending spam via a script:

If Postfix –

Once the server is verified spam free you can contact us and we can help with any de-listing submissions.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

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