Find reason for linux server crash

Check the logs

/var/log/messages, which stores logs from many native CentOS services, such as the kernel logger, the network manager, and many other services that don’t have their own log files. This log file tells you if there are kernel problems (kernel panic messages) or kernel limits violations, such as the number of currently open files, which can cause system problems. You can fix kernel misconfigurations by editing the file /etc/sysctl.conf and changing the value for the corresponding error.

/var/log/dmesg, which contains information about hardware found by the kernel drivers. It can help you troubleshoot hardware problems and missing drivers. You can also use the command /bin/dmesg for similar purposes. /bin/dmesg provides more detailed information in real time, while the log file keeps less information for historical purposes.

/var/log/audit/audit.log, which is the file in which the Linux Auditing System (auditd) writes its logs, including all SELinux information. If auditd is disabled, SELinux sends its logs to /var/log/messages. SELinux is a common suspect for any strange behavior and problems in CentOS. It is enabled by default in CentOS 6 and should not be frivolously disabled, as it is important for security. You can check its status with the command sestatus. A Wazi article about Linux server hardening covers the basics of SELinux, including how to adjust its policies in order to avoid problems.

Service- and application-specific logs – Many applications create logs in other places, and have options that control where and what to log. By default in CentOS the Apache web server logs in the directory /var/log/httpd/, mail servers log in /var/log/maillog, and MySQL logs in /var/log/mysqld.log. However, not all logs are located in the logs directory. Some applications, such as user-space programs, may not have privileges to write there. Others prefer to log inside their own root directory. You may need to consult an application’s manual to learn where it writes its logs.

If it’s gone down without logging anything, it might be power related so it’s not had the chance to log anything.

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